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Briar Creek Tunnel Construction

MEADE GUNNELL Engineering, P.C. performed Quality Control/Quality Assurance for tunnels in the Charlotte area for two separate infrastructure projects for Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities.  Some of the underground construction services included the Southwest Watermain Project which has 7 tunnels that total approximately 3,370 linear feet, varying in length from 90 feet to 1,800 feet; as well as the Briar Creek Relief Sanitary Sewer which has 5 tunnels that total approximately 4,200 linear feet varying in length from 200 feet to 2,500 feet.  The tunnel that is 2,500 linear feet has a 300-foot horizontal curve.  Our services included the establishment of the alignment, monitoring of alignments and grades, and performing the final as-built once the tunnels were completed.  The types of tunnels vary from a tunnel which is bored in granite, to a liner plate system, to hand mining system with shields and liner plates.

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